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What is Inflammation Doing In My Body?

Inflammation is a fundamental process in our body’s immune response. Depending on the triggers and underlying causes, it can occur in various forms. Understanding the different types of inflammation can provide insight into specific diseases and conditions.

Types of Inflammation

1. Acute Inflammation: The Immediate Response

Acute inflammation is the immediate response to tissue injury, infection, or harmful stimuli. It is a short-term, localized process aimed at eliminating the threat and initiating the healing process. Acute inflammation is characterized by:

  • Rapid onset: Acute inflammation occurs rapidly after the triggering event.
  • Short duration: It typically lasts for a few days to a few weeks.
  • Predominantly neutrophilic response: Neutrophils, a type of white blood cell, play a significant role in clearing pathogens and cellular debris.
  • Clinical signs: Symptoms may include redness, swelling, heat, pain, and loss of operation at the affected site.


  • An ankle sprain leads to localized acute inflammation characterized by swelling, pain, and restricted movement.
  • A sore throat by a viral infection triggers acute inflammation in the throat, resulting in redness, pain, and difficulty swallowing.

2. Chronic Inflammation: The Persistent Challenge

Chronic inflammation occurs when the inflammatory process persists for an extended period, often months or years. It is typically associated with conditions such as autoimmune diseases, persistent infections, or prolonged exposure to irritants. Chronic inflammation is characterized by:

  • Prolonged duration: It lasts for an extended period, potentially becoming a persistent or recurring condition.
  • Infiltration of immune cells: Macrophages, lymphocytes, and other immune cells are involved in the ongoing inflammatory response.
  • Tissue destruction and repair: Chronic inflammation can lead to tissue damage, scarring, and abnormal tissue repair processes.
  • Systemic effects: It can impact various organs and systems in the body, contributing to systemic symptoms and complications.


  • Rheumatoid arthritis involves chronic inflammation in the joints, leading to progressive joint damage, pain, and stiffness.
  • Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, or other inflammatory bowel issues causes chronic inflammation in the digestive tract, resulting in abdominal pain, diarrhea, and weight loss.

3. Subacute Inflammation: The Intermediate Stage

Subacute inflammation is an intermediate stage between acute and chronic inflammation. It may arise from unresolved acute inflammation or as a less intense form of chronic inflammation. Subacute inflammation exhibits characteristics of both acute and chronic inflammation, including:

  • Prolonged duration: It lasts longer than acute inflammation but is of shorter duration compared to chronic inflammation.
  • Persistent immune cell presence: Immune cells, particularly macrophages, remain active at the site of inflammation.
  • Tissue remodelling: The healing process involves the deposition of new tissue and the removal of damaged components.


  • Tendinitis, an inflammation of the tendons, can sometimes progress from acute to subacute if the underlying cause persists or is not adequately treated. Characterized by a prolonged inflammatory reaction, tissue remodelling, and persistent symptoms.

How Inflammations Work in the Body?

1. Cellular Level:

At the cellular level, inflammation involves a series of events orchestrated by immune cells and signalling molecules:

  • Detection: Specialized immune cells, such as macrophages and dendritic cells, recognize the presence of foreign invaders or damaged cells through receptors.
  • Chemical signals: Upon detection, immune cells release signalling molecules called cytokines and chemokines. These molecules attract other immune cells to the site of inflammation.
  • Blood vessel changes: The release of chemical signals causes blood vessels near the site of inflammation to widen. An increase in blood fow can result from this and better transportation of important nutrients and immune cells.
  • Immune cell migration: Neutrophils, a type of white blood cell, are the first responders to inflammation. They migrate to the site of injury or infection, followed by other immune cells such as monocytes and lymphocytes.
  • Elimination: Neutrophils and macrophages engulf and destroy pathogens or damaged cells through a process called phagocytosis, neutralizing the threat.
  • Inflammatory mediators: Immune cells release substances like cytokines, prostaglandins, and histamine. These substances enhance the inflammatory response, recruit more immune cells to the site, and promote healing.

2. Tissue Level:

At the tissue level, inflammation triggers processes that aid in healing and tissue repair:

  • Angiogenesis: Inflammation stimulates the growth of new blood vessels, a process called angiogenesis. This ensures an adequate blood supply to the inflamed area, delivering oxygen, nutrients, and immune cells necessary for tissue repair.
  • Tissue repair: Inflammatory signals prompt the release of growth factors that stimulates the production of collagen, a key component in wound healing. Collagen helps in the formation of new tissue and the closure of wounds.
  • Debris removal: Macrophages, the “cleanup crew” of the immune system, play a vital role in clearing cellular debris, dead cells, and pathogens from the inflamed area. This helps create a clean environment for tissue regeneration.
  • Resolution: As the healing process progresses, anti-inflammatory signals are released to dampen the inflammatory response and initiate the resolution phase, bringing the body back to balance.

3. Systemic Level:

Inflammation can have effects beyond the localized site and impact the entire body:

  • Fever: Inflammatory mediators, particularly cytokines, can act on the hypothalamus in the brain, raising body temperature and inducing fever. Fever helps the immune system combat infections.
  • Acute-phase response: Inflammatory signals trigger the liver to produce proteins called acute-phase reactants. These reactants help modulate the immune response, promote tissue repair, and support overall healing.
  • Leukocytosis: In response to inflammation, the body increases the production of white blood cells(WBCs), leading to a rise in their numbers in the bloodstream. This phenomenon, known as leukocytosis, helps enhance the immune response.

Here’s an example that illustrates the process of inflammation step by step:

An Infected Cut

  1. Detection:
  • You accidentally cut your finger while preparing food, allowing bacteria to enter the wound.
  1. Cellular Level:
  • Macrophages, specialized immune cells present in your tissues, detect the presence of bacteria in the cut.
  • The macrophages release chemical signals called cytokines to alert other immune cells.
  1. Blood Vessel Changes:
  • The cytokines cause the blood vessels near the cut to widen (vasodilation).
  • When blood flow is increased, more immune cells such as neutrophils and monocytes are brought to the area of infection.
  1. Immune Cell Migration:
  • Neutrophils, the first responders, quickly migrate to the infected area.
  • They recognize the bacteria and engulf them through phagocytosis, neutralizing the threat.
  • Monocytes also migrate to the site and transform into macrophages, joining the fight against the infection.
  1. Inflammatory Mediators:
  • Immune cells release inflammatory mediators like cytokines, which enhance the inflammatory response.
  • These mediators attract more immune cells to the site of infection and help coordinate the immune response.
  1. Tissue Level:
  • Angiogenesis is initiated, leading to the growth of new blood vessels near the cut. This ensures a sufficient blood supply for healing.
  • Inflammatory signals stimulate the release of growth factors, promoting the production of collagen for wound healing.
  • Macrophages clear cellular debris and dead bacteria from the wound, creating a clean environment for tissue repair.
  1. Resolution:
  • As the infection is controlled, anti-inflammatory signals are released to dampen the inflammatory response.
  • The inflammatory mediators decrease, blood vessels return to normal, and immune cells gradually leave the site.
  1. Healing:
  • Collagen continues to be produced, aiding in the formation of new tissue.
  • The cut gradually closes as new skin cells grow and replace the damaged ones.
  • The inflammation subsides, and the wound heals, restoring normal tissue function.

Inflammation is a coordinated and dynamic process that protects our body from infection and promotes healing. Through the example of an infected cut, we can observe how immune cells, signalling molecules, and tissue repair mechanisms work together to detect, eliminate, and heal. Understanding the step-by-step process of inflammation helps us appreciate the body’s remarkable ability to defend itself and restore well-being.

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